Traffic lawyers help clients get moving violation tickets dismissed in court or have the citation reduced to one with a lower fine or even no monetary penalty. They represent clients in many types of situations. 

Reasons for Hiring a Lawyer

Individuals might choose to hire legal help because a moving violation on the record could put their job at risk. Some companies employing professional drivers forbid citations even when those workers are on their own time. Other people may believe the police officer was wrong to issue a citation. As such, many would rather pay a lower amount to a traffic attorney than accept an expensive fine and points added to the license.


Traffic Light Violations

A person might want to fight a ticket for entering an intersection with a yellow signal that switched to red while still proceeding through. An attorney would work to persuade the judge to dismiss the citation. In this case, the driver could have been nervous about a car behind them moving rapidly. There may have been a risk of a rear-end crash if the driver in front decided to stop.

Another strategy the lawyer could use is presenting relevant legal history. A judge might consider the behavior acceptable if the driver didn't speed up nor enter the intersection on a red light. This is legal as well as common driving behavior. 

Driving Faster Than the Posted Speed Limit

A judge also might dismiss a citation for behavior that is technically illegal but is very common and seldom cited. For example, an officer might have ticketed a driver for exceeding the 55-speed limit by only four miles per hour. Although there is actually no legal concept as "barely illegal," many judges may be more lenient in these kinds of cases. 

Another legal strategy a lawyer might use is convincing the judge to reduce the ticket to a lesser offense or a non-moving violation. For instance, consider a driver traveling 12 miles faster than the limit. The judge has the option of reducing the citation to traveling just a few miles faster than the posted limit. This could have the advantage of a lower fine and no points added to the license. 

Concluding Thoughts

Some judges may be more likely to dismiss or reduce citations for people with spotless driving records. Either way, you'll need assistance in this case. Fortunately, traffic ticket lawyers defending these clients understand very well which methods are most effective in court. Anyone wanting to contest a citation may work with an attorney. Contact a traffic attorney for more information. 
